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Friday, July 23, 2021


Curriculum vitae.

Manoj Karagudri.

Link to video

M-Tech, Highway, Civil Engineering. 2019. SVU. Uttar Pradesh.

B-Tech, Civil Engineering. 1996. BVB, KLE, Karnataka. 

Year of birth: 1973.
Citizenship: India.

Work experience:
(∆) 8 years as professor in civil engineering.
(∆) 9 years as software manager.
(∆) 4 years as construction manager.

Total 21 years of work experience in Teaching, Training, Civil Construction,
Management, information technology, Software development.

Work experience as: 
Assistant Professor,  
Department of Civil Engineering in various universities in India.

(∆) Graphic Era Hill University. Uttarakhand.

(∆) Shoolini University. Himachal Pradesh.

(∆) Bahra University. Himachal Pradesh.

(∆) Green Hills Engineering College. Himachal Pradesh. 

(∆) Sirda institute of technology. Himachal Pradesh. 

(∆) Bells Institute of Management and Technology. Himachal Pradesh.


Research Paper Publications in Journals. (Scopus index).




Photos With students:

Photos of myself:

Link to resume.

Lately I’ve been teaching meditation to children. To earn an income for a living.
Here are few videos I uploaded recently. Read more:
Children meditation.

Sharing a few links below, to explore the journey of my life. 
It's an effort to provide better understanding of life. This might even help in finding solutions and answers to problems and questions.
Read more:

Job. Influence. Salary. Income. Support of wealthy influential people to make big money. Employers want to extract more work and Pay less salary. 
Read more:

Joy of job employment. It's a blessing to be with calm, gentle and humble people. We must associate with broad minded people respecting transparency and freedom. 
Read more:

I don't drink alcohol. I don't eat meat and tobacco. I don't have bad addictions. Meditation will help to avoid addictions. 
Read more:

There is nothing wrong in making money. But the way we make money is what matters. 
Read more:

How to live a simple life. With lower expenses and income.
Read more:

Education with Meditation.

Education without purpose.

India student. Krishna.


Saturday, September 14, 2019

Trigonometric values

The below sentence can be interpreted to remember the values of sin, cos, and tan. This sentence: (Some People Have. Curly Brown Hairs. Till painted Black).
The sentence: (Some People Have) represents the first letters as SPH interpreted as:
Sin = Perpendicular / Hypotenuse.
The sentence: (Curly Brown Hairs) represents the first letters as CBH interpreted as:
Cos = Base / Hypotenuse.
The sentence: (Till Painted Black) represents the first letters TPB interpreted as:
Tan = Perpendicular / Base.
Thus the sentence: (Some People Have. Curly Brown Hairs. Till painted Black). Helps to remember interpretation of Trigonometric values of Sin, Cos and Tan.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Introduction of photogrammetry

This publication is written by Mr. Manoj Karagudri. In reference to understanding of photogrammetry which is a part of B-TECH or BE in Civil Engineering.
Bitly short url link.

Photogrammetry is one of the surveying concepts of civil engineering to calculate accurate measurements using photographs. Useful in creating maps, soil classification. In terrestrial photogrammetry the photographs are taken from ground. In aerial photogrammetry they are taken from aircrafts. Aerial is preferred better compared to terrestrial. The first attempt for experiment is recorded in 1851.

In terrestrial photogrammetry the instrument phototheodolite, combination of camera and theodolite is used. This technique is similar to plane table surveying. The same object photographed from different directions from the known points on measured base line. The positions of objects can be calculated by interpolation of two rays at the same object.

To cover the entire area several pairs of photographs with parallel camera axis are taken from two known points on the baseline.

Definition terminology

Camera axis is the line passing through the center of camera lens. Perpendicular to the camera plate (negative) and picture plane. It coincides with optical axis.

Here is the link to the YouTube video created by Engineer, Mr. Manoj Karagudri. To help understand the terminology concepts.

Picture plane (positive) is an imaginary plane perpendicular to camera axis located at focal distance in front of the lens.

Principal point is the intersection of camera axis and picture plane (positive) or camera plate (negative).

Focal length (f) is the perpendicular distance from the center of the lens to the picture plane or camera plate. It is defined by f=uv/(u+v) where u is object distance, and v is image distance.

Principal plane: contains optical axis and is perpendicular to camera plate and picture plane.

Fiducial axis: reference lines intersecting at 90 degrees. Refered as x and y axis.

Film base: is a thin, flexible, transparent sheet of cellulose nitrate or cellulose acetate coated with light sensitive emulsion.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Photogrammetric Surveying (Civil Engineering)

This publication is written by Engineer, Mr. Manoj Karagudri. In reference to understanding of photogrammetry which is a part of B-TECH or BE in Civil Engineering.

Research papers publications by Engineer Mr. Manoj Karagudri.

Determination of Relative Positions of Points Without Establishing Physical Contact With The Object By Concept Of Photogrammetry.

Download PDF. Scopus index publication.

List of PDF Download Scopus index publication.

Here is the link to: Introduction of Photogrammetry. Written by Mr. Manoj Karagudri.

Here is the bitly short url link to this page.

Shown is the Terrestrial Photograph.
Objective: Calculation of
Horizontal Angles (Ha, Hb) & Vertical Angles (Va, Vb)
With horizontal Camera axis.

(Click the Image to Enlarge.)

Here is the link to YouTube video created by Engineer, Mr. Manoj Karagudri.

Figure shows two object points (a) and (b). Photographed with camera axis horizontal. Picture plane is vertical.

The projections of objects on the horizon line (X axis) are a' and b' respectively. Y axis called as the principal line.

Distances Xa, Ya, Xb, Yb, are measured from the photograph.

Focal length f = ok This is the know quantity focal length of the camera lens.

Ha: Horizontal angle of A
Va: Vertical angle of A.

Hb and Vb are for B.

Calculation of Horizontal angles.
Tan Ha = Perpendicular/Base = k a’ / f and
Tan Hb = k b’ / f
Note that k a’= Xa, k b’= Xb, and f are known values, thus Ha and Hb can be calculated.

Horizontal angle between a' and b' is difference between Ha ± Hb.

Here is the link to the sentence, to interpret the Trigonometric values.

Calculation of Vertical Angles.
Tan Va = a a’ / o a’ and Tan Vb = b b’ / o b’ - equation (1)
Note that the values of o a’ and o b’ are not known. aa', bb' are know values measured from the photograph.
Cos Ha = f / o a’ Therefore
o a’ = f / Cos Ha OR o a’ = f (Sec Ha)
Similarly o b’ = f (Sec Hb)

Substituting the values of o a’ and o b’ in equations (1)
Tan Va = a a’ / f (Sec Ha) and
Tan Vb = b b’ / f (Sec Hb)
Note that these are known values of
(aa’ = Ya), (bb’ = Yb), Ha, Hb and f are already known. From photograph.

Thus value of Va and Vb can be calculated after substitution.

Shown below is Terrestrial Photograph
Objective: Calculation of Horizontal Position
With Horizontal Camera Axis
Using Plane Table Method.

(Click to enlarge image). Note that:
Distance between Camera stations P and Q are already known.
Focal Length of Camera Lens is known.
Thus to calculate Horizontal Position of objects A and B Draw P and Q positions of reduced scales on Plane Table.
Draw photo horizontal planes (x axis of photo) from P and Q with the known focal lengths.
Point k1 and k2 is fixed on the plane table with known azimuth angle from North Direction.
Then point a1 is drawn from k1 on the table.
Point a2 is similarly draw from point Q with the known azimuth angle from North Direction.
With the help of photographs draw straight lines of A and B.
Then measure the Horizontal distances of A and B from Q and P.

Terrestrial Photograph
Azimuth of a line from Photographic Measurement:
Azimuth is defined as the clockwise horizontal angle made by the line from the Magnetic North Direction.
Azimuth is always measured clockwise.

(Click to enlarge image).

Terrestrial Photogrammetry
Elevation of a point:
Note that: the distance (D) from Object to Camera is already known.
Determination of Elevation with respect to camera axis, applying trigonometry.

(Click to enlarge the image). Tan Ah = x / f - use this equation to calculate horizontal angle Ah
Note that x and f are already known.

SPH, CBH, TPB (some people have, curly brown hair, till painted black.)
Sin=Perpendicular / Hypotenuse, Cos=Base / Hypotenuse, Tan=Perpendicular / Base.

Tan Av = y / o,a1 Note that o,a1 is not known, thus o,a1 = √(x ^2 + f ^2 )
Another way is, Cos Ah = f / (o,a1) therefore o,a1 = f (Sec Ah)

Therefore, Tan Av = y / √(x^(2 )+〖 f〗^2 ) or Tan Av = y / f (Sec Ah) - Use this equation to calculate Av
Note that y, x, f and Ah are already known.

Consider Similar Triangles o,a1,a and o,A1,A
a,a1 / o,a1 = A,A1 / o,A1
y / o,a1 = Vh / D Note that D is already known and we need to find Vh
Vh = D (y) / (o,a1) Note that o,a1 = √(x^(2 )+〖 f〗^2 ) or o,a1 = f (Sec Ah)
Vh = D (y) / √(x^(2 )+〖 f〗^2 ) or Vh = D (y) / f (Sec Ah) - Use this equation to calculate Height Vh

Terrestrial Photogrammetry
Focal Length determination:

(Click on the image to enlarge)
Tan Ha = Xa / f and Tan Hb = Xb / f
Considering the entire angle (Ha + Hb) to determine value of (f)
Tan Hab = tan (Ha + Hb) = (tan Ha + tan Hb) / (1 – tan Ha tan Hb)
Tan Hab = ( Xa / f + Xb / f ) / (1 - (Xa / f) (Xb / f) )
Tan Hab = ( Xa / f + Xb / f ) / (1 - (Xa ) (Xb) / f2 )
Tan Hab = ( (Xa + Xb) / f ) / ( (f2 - (Xa ) (Xb) ) / f2 )
Tan Hab ( f2 - (Xa ) (Xb) ) / f2 = ( (Xa + Xb) / f )
Tan Hab ( f2 - (Xa ) (Xb) ) = ( (Xa + Xb) / f ) (f2)
Tan Hab ( f2 - (Xa ) (Xb) ) = (f) (Xa + Xb)
( f2 - (Xa ) (Xb) ) - (f) (Xa + Xb) / Tan Hab = 0
f2 - ( (f (Xa + Xb ) ) / Tan Hab ) - ( (Xa ) (Xb) ) = 0

Therefore f = ( (Xa+Xb) / 2 Tan Hab ) + Sqrt ( (( Xa+Xb)2 / 4 tan2 Hab ) + ( Xa.Xb ) )

Here is the link to few 3D videos on PhotoGrammetry:

Sites for PhotoGramMetry:

Photographic Intersection

Wiki on Theodolite:

*Images on Google Search.

Vernier Reading.

Horizontal and Vertical Angle in Surveying.

Calculation of degrees minutes and seconds.

Understanding Time Zones.

How w to prepare a manuscript for international journals